Pride - Avanti West Coast

Talk about Pride

Here’s how we’re helping all our people to Live Proud.

In a world where anyone can be anything, we all want the opportunity to be ourselves. That’s why we’re encouraging colleagues, customers and communities to share their spark. And when it comes to Pride, we’re proud to stand out.

On this page, you’ll see what we’ve been up to over the last few months and our plans for the future. You’ll also find it a useful spot to bring yourself up to speed with what Pride means and why it matters.

We’re determined to make a difference. We’ve worked with the LGBTQ+ community and our Inclusion Council to raise the bar. At Avanti West Coast, we’re committed to creating a team that works for all of us. We know it’s not enough to say it – we must live it too. Every single day. That’s why we’ve introduced Live Proud. It’s a big part of our plans for inclusion and gives us a clear programme to work with our people to deliver an inclusion initiative that’s meaningful for everyone. That means more support in the community, too!

Pride is for everyone

Live Proud is built into our everyday life at Avanti West Coast. From recruitment to development and the welfare of our workforce. But we’ve also partnered with wider community groups, such as LGBT Foundation and AKT, to make sure we connect with people across our network and make a difference where it matters.

We’re just getting started and don’t plan on applying the brakes anytime soon. So, look out for more down the line, and remember – Live Proud.

Live Proud flag

Pride- In The News
In the news

Birmingham Pride

We’re excited to be joining the Birmingham Pride walking parade on 25th September. Last year, we promised to celebrate Pride when the time was right and that’s now – we’re looking forward to visibly showing that we #LiveProud.

So if you’re attending Birmingham Pride, look out for us in the parade!  And if you’re travelling into Birmingham New Street station on the morning of Pride, we’ll be there together with colleagues from Network Rail to welcome you to Pride.

If you want to learn more, especially if you’re looking for support in these difficult times, take a look at the links provided below.

AKT are sharing informative posts about key LGBTQ+ historical figures across their social media channels, as well shining a light on the lesser-known icons and asking their wonderful team who their LGBTQ+ historical heroes are. To find out more, head to their website here.

LGBT Foundation are looking to seek out a full and varied range of stories to make sure that everyone’s voices are heard. Find out more here.

And we’re also pleased to partner with Stonewall Housing. Stonewall Housing was founded is 1983 and ever since has been working to ensure LGBTQ+ people live in safer homes and free from fear.  They are the only charity in the UK working with Homeless LGBTQ+ people of all ages. If you’d like to find out more about their services, please visit the link here.

Pride- Charities

Charity starts in the community.

We’re proud to have partnered with two charities that are really making a difference in our communities. The LGBT Foundation,  Stonewall Housing and akt are doing great work in cities, towns and villages up and down our network and helping LGBTQ+ individuals who face difficulties in the community they live in. Our Live Proud strategy doesn’t stop at the barriers. Yes, we’re looking after our teams but we’re also here to look out for members of the community, too. That’s why we’ll continue to add more partnerships and make more of a positive impact where it counts.

If you’d like to learn more about partnering with Avanti West Coast, get in touch with Melanie Hockenhull at

Pride charity AKTLGBT Foundation

Pride- Good to Know

It’s all about Pride

Here’s some quickfire facts, figures and history to help get onboard with Pride.

Drumroll, please…

Recently, we gave the world a glimpse of how we’re planning to Live Proud, including a train dressed head to toe in Pride colours. But, alas! It needed a name. That’s why we asked you to find us a fitting title that would capture the heart and soul of Pride – what’s been achieved so far and how it can continue to make a difference long into the future. After receiving over 1500 amazing names and supporting stories, we’re delighted to have discovered a worthy winner.

We couldn’t be prouder to reveal Progress as the new name for this very special train.

The winning entry was submitted by Edward Hitchon Godfrey. Edward works in the rail industry and has an incredibly powerful story about how Trainbows and Pride Trains helped him, working in the rail industry, to come out and live proud. A perfect example of the good Pride can do.

Thank you to every single person who took the time to share your name with us.

We look forward to welcoming you all on Progress very soon.

‘Coming out’ happens just the once.

Gay men are ‘feminine’ and lesbian women are ‘butch’

Bi-sexual people are greedy and/or they can’t make up their minds

Does being trans mean you’re straight, gay or only date other trans people?

The LGBTQ+ community is one big happy family

Why is the word Pride used for LGBTQ+ celebrations?

When did Pride go global?

Where is the UK’s biggest Pride event?

How many Pride events are there?

Where is the world’s biggest Pride event?

Why a rainbow flag and what does it mean?

What do the colours mean?

Why use the Progress flag?

Why do we still celebrate Pride? The world has changed, hasn’t it?

How many people is the LGBTQ+ community made up of?

Is same-sex marriage legal?